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Algeria Trade Links

Algerian National Press Service / Algerie Presse Service

Bank of Algeria / Banque D'Algerie

The Bank of Algeria is the national bank of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. Created in December 1962, the Bank of Algeria sets the operational guidelines and norms for all banks operating in Algeria including accounting standards, reserve requirements, and the usage of funds.

Embassy of Algeria in Washington, DC

Located in the heart of the US Capitol, the Embassy of Algeria is the official post of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria in Washington, DC. The website provides news on Algeria, cultural highlights, economic opportunities, visas and consular services, information on the political system, and speeches on the history of Algeria. The Honorable Ambassador Abdallah Baali is the Algerian Ambassador to the United States.

Ministry of Commerce / Ministere du Commerce
www.cnrc.org.dz (French)
The Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria hosts the National Commerce Register as well as the National Chamber of Commerce. The Ministry of Commerce centralizes and distributes information and statistics on businesses operating in Algeria, and economic conditions and opportunities. The Ministry of Commerce is the site for registration of businesses operating in Algeria and promotes the development of commerce in Algeria.

Ministry of Energy and Mining / Ministere de l'Energie et des Mines
www.mem-algeria.org (English)
www.mem-algeria.org/fr (French)
The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Algeria develops the legislative, regulatory and institutional mechanisms intended to attract investment and further develop foreign investments, both direct and through partnerships, in the hydrocarbon, energy and mining sectors, including activities such as those downstream of hydrocarbons and the production of renewable energies. The Honorable Minister Chakib Khelil is the Algerian Minister of Energy & Mines.

Ministry of Education / Ministere de l'Education National

Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the centralized diplomatic agency coordinating with all Algerian ambassadors and diplomats serving throughout the world. The Ministry also coordinates visits of foreigners to Algeria and manages visa procedures.

Ministry of Health / Ministere de la Sante

Ministry of Housing / Ministere de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme

Ministry of Justice / Ministere de la Justice

Ministry of New Technologies, Post and Telecommunications

Ministry of Work and Social Security / Ministere du Travail et de la Securite Sociale

Ministry of Participation and the Promotion of Investment / Ministere de la Particpation et la Promotion de l'Investissment

Ministry of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Artisans /Ministere des PME et de L'Artisanat
The Ministry of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Artisans promotes local opportunities for investments in small to medium sized enterprises to national and international investors. The Ministry works to ameliorate the operating environment for thee firms as well as develop the richness of Algerian handicrafts. The Ministry also encourages entrepreneurship through the development of new enterprises.

Ministry of Water Ressources / Ministere des Ressources en Eaux

National Business Registery / Centre National de Registre Du Commerce
www.cnrc.org.dz/ (French) 
Founded in 1963, the role of the National Business Registry is to maintian records of all active comapnies in Algeria, to provide informative updates on the commercial implications of governemnt legislation, and to create statistical reviews on ecnomic players and trends.

National Company of Fairs and Exhibits / Societe Algerienne de Foires et Exportations

National Customs Agency of Algeria

National Office of Statistics / Office National des Statistiques
www.ons.dz (English)
www.ons.dz (French)
The National Office of Statistics attends to the precise compilation and regular diffusion of information adapted to socio-economic agents' needs. It assures the regular reliability of data, statistical analysis and economic studies necessary to generate socio-economic policy. The National Office of Statistics releases information in pursuance of the statistical national program, indexes, indicators of the national economy as well as the nation's accounts.

National Office of Wine Culture / Office National de Commercialisation des Produits Viti-vinicoles
An agent of the Ministry of Agriculture, the ONCV of Algeria has partnered with numerous foreign investors to develop the wine industry of Algeria. The first bottles of Algerian wine were exported to the United States in the 1980's.

National Popular Assembly / Assemble Nationale Popularie

National Taxation Administration / Direction National des Impots

University of Algiers
www.univ-alger.dz (French)
www.univ-alger.dz/ang (English)
Founded in 1909 the University of Algiers remains one of the most respected educational institutions in Algeria.

Presidency of the Republic of Algeria / El Mouradia

Supreme Court of Algeria / Le Cour Supreme

United States Trade Links

Bilateral US-Arab Chamber of Commerce

The Bilateral US-Arab Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit 501(c) 6 international network of business leadership headquartered in Houston, Texas (USA). The Bilateral Chamber was founded in 1997 by Aida Araissi, who works with its exclusive membership network of CEOs to establish strategic connections between the United States and Middle East/North Africa (MENA) for the purpose of fostering economic growth, educational advancement and social progress in both regions. 

Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank)

The Export-Import Bank of the United States supports the financing of US goods and services, turning export opportunities into real transactions, maintaining and creating more US jobs. The EXIM Bank assumes credit and country risks the private sectro is unable or unwilling to accept.

United States International Trade Administration (ITA)
The United States International Trade Administration is the trade promotion agency of the US Department of Commerce. The ITA promoted US exports of manufactured goods, nonagricultural commodities and services.

Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR)
The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) is responsible for developing and coordinating US international trade, commodity and direct investment policy, and overseeing negotiations with other countries including the negotiations for bilateral free trade agreements.

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) was established as a development agency of the US Government in 1971. OPIC helps US businesses invest overseas, fosters economic development in new and emerging markets, complements the private sector in managing the risks associated with foreign direct investment, and supports US foreign policy.

The US Bureau of Economic Analysis provides the most comprehansive statistical picture available of the US economy.

US Department of Agriculture
The US Department of Agriculture is a research leader in everything from human nutrition to new crop technologies that allow us to grow more food using less water and pesicides. The USDA helps ensure open markets for US agricultural products. The US Department maintains a liason office at the US Embassy in Algiers.

US Department of Commerce
The Honorable Secretary Carlos Guttierez is the 35th Secretary of the US Department of Commerce, the voice of business in government. Secretary Gutierrez is a core member of President Bush's economic team, advising the President on many issues, including pro-growth and job creating economic policies, international trade, business concerns, and energy policy. The US Department of Commerce maintains a liason office at the US Embassy in Algiers.

US Department of State
The US Department of State is part of the Executive Branch of the US Government. The Department of State advances US objectives and interests in shaping a freer, more secure and more prosperous world through its primary role in developing and implementing the President's foreign policy. In additon to supporting the foreign affairs activites of the US Department of Commerce and USAID, the US Department of State provides and array of important services to US citizens and to foreigners seeking to visit or immigrate to the United States.

US Embassy in Algiers
Situated in the heart of the capitol city of Algeria, the US Embassy in Algiers is the official representative of the US Government. This website provides information about embassy services, bilateral relations, and consular affairs including visas for travel to the United States. The US Ambassador to Algeria is the Honorable Ambassador Henry Ensher.

US Energy Information Administraion
The Energy Information Administration of the United States (EIA), created by Congress in 1977, is a statistical agency of the US Department of Energy. The EIA provides policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

US Patent and Trademark Office
An agency of the US Department of Commerce, the US Patenet and Trademark Office provides patenet and trademark protection to inventors and businesses for their inventions and corporate and product identificaion. Through preservation, classificaion and dissemination of patent information, the USPTO encourages innovation and the scientific and technical advancement of US industry.

US Trade and Development Agency

As a core priority, the USTDA facilitates development in emerging markets by promoting US partnerships in high priority overseas projects. Teh USTDA responds to the development priorities of public and private sector project sponsors in host countries. The USTDA offers a wide range of opportunities for US firms to apply their products, technology and expertise in the pursuit of important development objectives. To date, these opportunities have been connected with more than US$21billion in US exports. The USTDA supports the development of a fair and open trading environment.

World Trade Center of Chicago

The World Trade Illinois (WTI) is "Your Trusted Partner in World Trade". A not for profit organization providing vital international trade services to WTIL members. Headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois with ten satellite offices located around the State of Illinois, World Trade Illinois is a bridge between member organizations and World Markets. World Trade Illinois (WTI) is proud to announce securing the Chicago Option from World Trade Center Association as of October 10, 2010.

International Trade Links

Africa Business Monitor International
The North Africa Monitor

The North Africa Monitor service provides subscribers with systematic political risk assessment, economic forecasts and business analysis for Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. This includes online access to the latest analysis, a 24-month searchable archive, and PDF access to the monthly Monitor reports.

Global Corporate Governance Forum

International Finance Corporation

World Bank

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